This part was printed on the Aconity Midi + printer. This printer was designed by our partner Aconity 3D so our multi-material powder deposition technology could be integrated. The Aerosint recoater is today available as an extra option on the price list of the Aconity Midi+ printer.
We feel this is a major breakthrough for 3D printing and are happy to have accomplished this with Aconity 3D.. Multi-metal printing gives designers and engineers the ultimate degree of freedom to make better parts. We are very proud of this accomplishment. No other technology is today capable of producing such dual-metal parts. Multi-metal Laser Powder Bed Fusion creates a range of new use cases and applications that we feel excited to explore together with our partners in the future.

Some details about the part and process:
- Printed on Aconity3D GmbH Midi + L-PBF printer in which Aerosint’s dual-metal recoater was integrated
- Dimensions of the part: 6,9 mm height and diameter of 55 mm
- The part consists of 174 layers of 40 microns each
- Materials used: 316 L and CuCrZr
- CuCrZr channel diameter 1,7 mm
- Build time: approximately 5:40 hours